Picture by Thomas Bennie

“My imagination works much better when I don’t have to speak to people.”

Patricia Highsmith

Nothing particular needs to be done while in the state of hypnosis! What’s great about hypnosis is that you only follow the suggestions and enjoy yourself, while the work is done by itself! It would be great if all our daily tasks could be done that easily.

On the other hand, if you want to say something, or if you need to move, cough, scratch, etc., feel free to do so. Nothing wrong can happen during a hypnosis session. Everything that happens is welcome.

There may be individual preferences and variations on how best to enter the hypnotic state, so the first time around it’s a matter of exploring and working together to find what works best for each person.

And if you’ve done hypnosis before, you’ve already trained your ability and it becomes easier. The more you do it, the easier it gets, it’s a matter of practice.

Once you are comfortably in the hypnotic state, all you have to do is to let go and accept what is being said, without making any effort.

Your conscious or analytical part may come out and make comments, this is normal, just put it aside (i.e. with the intention of putting it aside) and continue to enjoy yourself.

When in a state of hypnosis, there may be signs (or not, it’s really personal). These may be small involuntary movements, watering, yawning, temperature changes or swallowing, etc.

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